Camping while river rafting had been a major drawback for a lot of folks. Just thinking of throwing a sleeping bag on the hard ground and toughing it out for the night has kept many avoiding this super relaxing and fun experience. For many years now, river trip camping on the American River, has been upgraded to almost a luxury experience. Deluxe outfitter-styled canvas tents located right next to the river on wood decks. Wood beds and pads have changed the face of camping. These create real options to those who desire that extra level of comfort.

Camping Next to the River

Camping next to the river is one of the best things to do! Perfect for families to Bachelor Parties, our riverside campground has a place for everyone. Our modern bathrooms feature individual bathrooms with flush toilets and hot running water! Forget the notion about having to “rough it” and not take a shower for 2 or 3 days. Camps have individual shower rooms with an endless supply of hot water.
Camp food has Evolved!
Camp food has also evolved from granola bars and opening cans of unhealthy foods, into something resembling a 5-Star experience. With fresh veggies, meats, fruits, glass plates, regular silverware, and even table cloths. Hor d’oeurvres are served prior to the main meal. Meals consist of smoked tri-tip, roasted potatoes, baked asparagus, and hot buttered bread. In addition, many use suppliers like Truckee Sourdough, Sysco, and local farmer’s markets. A lot of river rafting companies now even have a dedicated camp chef. Menus also include options for vegetarians and vegans.
Above all, don’t worry about having to do dishes, these are done by the staff. Into Coffee? You won’t be disappointed, coffee from Seattle’s Best, Starbucks, and more are offered on most every trip offered. Miss the old fashioned “cowboy” coffee that was just boiled water and a handful of “Folgers” tossed in, just let us know. I am sure we could get that just for you!
Camping right next to a rushing river, hearing the sound of the rushing water and rapids has a comforting effect on us all. Therefore, it seems to take the stress out of the day, settle my mind, and let me get a long, restful sleep. You can also, find lots to do before or after your rafting and camping trip, the area has many cool things to see and try. Look at the Insider’s Guide to the American River for more details.
Is your idea of “roughing it” a night at the Holiday Inn? Have you been avoiding 2 and 3 day river rafting trips on the American River because of the “roughing it” style of camping of days past. Give it a try. Now with all the modern amenities available, you will not be disappointed, and you will experience camping at a new level.