What happens to my money if I have to cancel?

sad faceCancellation policies may vary some between companies, but like most businesses that have advance bookings a cancellation policy is standard. Government agencies impose limitations on the amount of space each company has on the river, so when you make a reservation for a specific date and spaces are being held for you, others are being are turned away, when those spaces are full. Generally, outside of 30 days prior to your trip date you can get a partial to full refund, inside of 30 days prior to your trip there is no refund.  It is always a good idea to check with the outfitter about their Cancellation Policy before making a reservation, so you know what to expect if you have to cancel.  Trip travel insurance is suggested in case of an unforeseen cancellation.

I hope that this helps, as always if you have questions about this information, or have otherflash close up for wweblog answers questions about river trips, please feel free to E-Mail me, I am always here to help no matter what or where your river adventure is taking you.
Hope to see you on the river this year,

Flash  (over 30 years of river rafting experience around the world and back)

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