Whitewater poem by 2018 Guest

Whitewater Excitement guest, Robert, wrote this poem the morning of July 20, 2018, while sitting at the edge of the river in our private camp right on the banks of the American river.  His nephews were rafting with us for 2 days and relayed the excitement of river rafting on the American river. He had time to ponder and reflect on what he felt the river adventure meant to him and his nephews.  Thank you Robert, we are inspired by your words.  We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Morning Sunbeams

Through oak and pine,

A winding river

Earth’s grand design

Sleep is over

To a round of laughter,

The River rises

To trill the Rafter

This day is meant

For those who dare,

To raft the river

They must prepare!

The moment of launch

No place to hide!

But trust the shouts

Of a steady guide.

White water and rocks

Excites the rafter,

As the river joins

Their sounds of laughter!

Poem by RL – Whitewater Excitement 2018 Guest

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